I am a convert to Timbrel vaulting, Catalan Vaulting, or Cohesive vaulting.
Stronger, looks better but slower and more expensive. My first serious piece is the top half of the stairs in the vault house.
Top looking down. Something about the light makes is look grey.
Looking up the top half, but the interesting part is the vault, not the stairs.
Think of it as laminates. I did put some steel in between the first and second tiles, however I will try without. Before putting the treads on I jumped and pounded on the stairs. It feels like reinforced concrete. No movement.
The view from below. more aesthetic than the bricks on edge.
From the other side. I am storing up these tiles so i can do a bigger roof.
It took me a year to stop thinking about it and just do it. |
We drew a catenary arch on plywood, mounted it upside down. This gave us a side wall to "glue" the tiles on two sides. |
After removing the plywood on the side we added some more rows. |
Lots of gypsum plaster on top side helps temporarily hold it. |
Next a course at 45degree, then one long side across. |
Laminated tiles!